Helping 4 mothers deliver their babies at the hospital entrance

Security Officer Bobby-Jo Erichsen is an extraordinary individual who has helped mothers give birth, right at the hospital entrance, on four separate occasions.

In each instance, Officer Erichsen was working hospital security when women arrived with their babies’ heads already crowning. In each of these intense situations, she ensured that all necessary procedures were followed meticulously to safeguard both the mother and the newborn.

Officer Erichsen’s commitment to first aid protocols, especially in cleaning the baby’s airway and maintaining sterile environment while caring for the mothers, is commendable. She goes the extra mile to ensure that everyone involved, from the mothers to the entire on-site team, feels safe and comfortable throughout the process. Her swift communication with appropriate hospital staff ensures that not a moment is wasted in addressing the needs of the newborns, ensuring their wellbeing from the very start.

Her dedication and professionalism shine brightly in these moments, making her a true asset to the hospital and a source of comfort and assurance for those she assists. Officer Erichsen’s efforts have had a significant, positive impact on the lives of those mothers and their babies.

Thank you, Officer Erichsen, for being a source of comfort in what could be an extraordinarily stressful situation!