Lifesaving efforts in a medical emergency

In April 2024, Senior Security Guard Kyle James Bolwell was working his regular shift at one of the big shopping centers in Burnaby when he received a radio call regarding a medical emergency.

Carrying Naloxone, he ran to the scene, where he discovered a male who was unresponsive, blue and not breathing. The man’s brother, who was also at the scene, reported that the man had used fentanyl, possibly mixed with benzodiazepines. Bolwell then immediately administered Naloxone, while another team member called 911.

The man was then put into the recovering position and Security Guard Bolwell administered sternal rubs, then administered a second shot of Naloxone. The man’s colour began to return and he began to be responsive.

The individual was able to walk away from the scene (after refusing additional help from the fire department and BC Ambulance, when they arrived).

Thank you, Security Guard Bolwell, for your lifesaving actions in a very difficult situation!