Stabbing victim’s life saved by casino security

Security Officers Adam McDonald and Sanjaya Vithanaarachchi were on duty at Nanaimo Casino in Nanaimo, BC, when a man stepped on to the property, asking for help.

It soon became apparent that the young man had been stabbed, likely in the nearby parking lot.

Officer McDonald immediately performed first aid, applying pressure to the wounds and providing comfort to the man, who was understandably upset. Officer Vithanaarachchi retrieved the first aid gear and provided bandages to Officer McDonald as required.

Both security professionals remained calm, collected and in control for more than 15 minutes, until ambulances arrived and care was transferred to paramedics. The man was taken to hospital, where his injuries were described as serious, but, thanks to the officers’ quick intervention, non-life-threatening.

Thank you, Officers McDonald and Vithanaarachchi, for your immediate, calm and collected response, and for staying with this man until medical help arrived!

More information on this situation can be found here.