Fast action of team members saved a life

In May 2024, while on a routine patrol of facilities in Toronto, Security Guard Karandeep Singh observed an unresponsive male in one of the bathroom stalls.

Security Guard Singh attempted to rouse the man by banging on the stall door, but upon closer inspection he observed a crack pipe on the floor and quickly determined that the male had overdosed.

Acting quickly, Singh requested assistance from Security Supervisor Andrew Hartley, who attended the scene and together they removed the man from the stall and called for EMS and a trauma bag.

When Security Guards Hosne Mobarak and Vivekchandra Kaira arrived at the scene with the trauma bag, Mobarak began CPR compressions while Kaira administered Naloxone. The man quickly regained consciousness, and when EMS arrived on site they were able to successfully transfer the man to the hospital.

If it hadn’t been for the observation and seamless teamwork, the individual may not have survived the overdose. Thank you!