Urgent situation required immediate CPR and teamwork

While on patrol, Security Officer Isha Chauhan discovered a person lying on the ground, unconscious, unresponsive, and clearly having trouble breathing.

Recognizing the urgency of the situation, Officer Chauhan immediately informed the Security Operations Centre and Vancouver’s Paladin Team. Security Dispatcher Ben Robinson swiftly sent all guards to the scene, and ensured emergency notifications were made.

Officer Damanjit called 911 and relayed messages between the team and the emergency responder, while Shift Supervisor Jon Ferrari performed a head tilt-chin lift on the patient. To reduce interruption and provide privacy for the individual, Officers Navneet Puar and Mansu Devi managed crowd conrol.

As the individual’s breathing became more consistent, Officer Yuvraj Karki took over the head tilt-chin lift, while Supervisor Ferrari started chest compressions, as advised by the EHS dispatcher. Soon, the patient began to breathe again, and Officer Vicente Tankeh escorted paramedics to the scene.

Thanks to Officer Chauhan’s immediate action and the swift response of the whole team, the patient avoided what could have been a fatal event and was able to receive appropriate medical care.

Thank you, Officer Chauhan and team!