Security hero in the community

Security Officer Landon Archer Timko is a crossing guard with Synergy Protection Group. Working in this role for more than two years, he’s gotten to know many of the members of his community.

Early in 2024, he was working one afternoon and noticed that an older woman – who he knew from previous interactions has a traumatic brain injury from many years ago and was non-verbal – approached was stumbling around as she approached the corner.

Because Officer Timko knew this woman from previous interactions, he immediately positioned himself behind her so that when she fell, he was right there to catch her. He laid her on the ground and and waited for paramedics, called by a passing bus driver, to arrive.

Eventually, the woman regained full consciousness and began to walk back home, but was disoriented and walked into the crosswalk against the light. Fortunately, Officer Timko was able to control traffic and get her through the intersection without mishap.

Then, Officer Timko ran over to the assisted-living building where he knew the woman lived, and asked some nurses to assist the woman back into her home. Paramedics soon arrived, and Officer Timko directed them to the assisted-living facility where they were able to see the woman and ensure that she was doing better.

One of the reasons the Canadian Security Lifesaver Association was created was to highlight the many ways that security officers make a real difference to individuals in their communities – and this is a perfect example of that.

Thank you, Officer Timko!