Extraordinary dedication to hospital security and community care

Security Officer John Whieldon has extraordinary dedication and life-saving abilities at Strathmore Hospital in Alberta.

In one instance, during a particularly busy time at the hospital, Officer Whieldon noticed an individual among the patients waiting for triage, who looked to be dazed and confused. Recognizing the man was in medical distress and was potentially suffering a stroke, Officer Whieldon immediately escorted him to the front of the line and alerted the triage nurse.

The man was diagnosed with a perforated aorta, and thanks to Officer Whieldon’s prompt assistance, his life was saved. Ten days later, the man returned to the hospital to thank him for his lifesaving intervention.

In another instance, Officer Whieldon assisted paramedics with an unresponsive patient who was suffering from a fentanyl overdose. His quick thinking and recognition of the patient led to the administration of the correct medication, ultimately saving the patient’s life.

Officer Whieldon’s vigilance and professionalism are unmatched. Within his first year on duty, he prevented over 200 knives and even a sword (concealed in a cane) from entering the hospital. His polite and approachable demeanor helps de-escalate potential conflicts. He always arrives early, leaves late, and never seeks praise, embodying humility and dedication.

Thank you for everything you do, Officer Whieldon!