Intervention in a mental health crisis saved a child
While patrolling outside a shopping centre, Officer Colin Straughan observed a disheveled woman approaching, requesting the address of the shopping centre, and then asked if ‘the military’ was in the mall.
Officer Straughan realized something was ‘off’ about the conversation, but he simply continued to observe the woman as she returned to her car.
The woman then began to remove boxes of diapers and other odds and ends from the backseat and place them on the roof of her car. Officer Straughan then decided to approach the woman, as her movement and behaviour appeared generally erratic and unusual.
Officer Straughan’s experience led him to believe that the woman was possibly suffering from some kind of psychosis. When she mentioned that her daughter was also in danger, he inquired as to the whereabouts of the child, and was told the daughter was in the car.
Officer Straughan looked in the car to see a baby approximately 4-6 months old, who was sleeping and appeared to be breathing normally, but she was strapped into an unsecured car seat and was surrounded by precarious-looking boxes. Feeling that the baby was in imminent danger, he asked the woman to park the car and asked Building Operator Martha to contact police immediately.
While waiting for police services to arrive, Officer Straughan engaged the woman in conversation, during which time her mentions of suicidal ideation including her daughter were prominent.
Ultimately, the woman was taken into hospital for a mental health evaluation, while the woman’s sister collected the child. The woman’s family indicated that they had been concerned about the woman for some time, and they were glad that Officer Straughan was able to defuse the situation and get their family member some much-needed assistance.
Thank you, Officer Straughan!